A Consideration of the Planetarium and the Lecturer as Agents to Effect Change in Administrators Regarding Social Attitudes in School and Community
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A Consideration of the Planetarium and the Lecturer as Agents to Effect Change in Administrators Regarding Social Attitudes in School and Community
"Within the seventy years of this twentieth century, the field of education has witnessed many trends in emphasis and an even greater number of monumental changes. These situations have been paralleled by educational philosophies, concepts, theories, and practices; some were causal in nature, some were results, and some were simply concurrent related happenings. To many, the relationship of educational theory to educational practice has been of most concern. Nowhere in the field of education has this relationship been of more concern than in educational administration and supervision. At present, the debate continues -- how practical should we be, how theoretical should we be and how do we determine what attitude to take under the circumstances. This question is especially critical for education because of its traditional, unique role in bringing recent research to people and at the same time being a liaison enabling people to reach the educational process (the people's needs and/or practical perspective).
No doubt the debate will go on. However, this may help the reader to understand why this dissertation was developed, ordered, and writted as it is found here. There is some concern about the usual approach to graduate study research in administration and supervision which selects several practical variables, sets up a comparison study, then reaches for the appropriate literature and research which will support it. This study is an attempt to put research in proper order to convey to the reader the need to make theory relevant and practical, that is: literature. theory, question and then the study or comparison.
In using this approach, the thesis loses none of its objectivity, reliability, or validity. In fact, it is my expectation and desire the reader will see evidence of much concern for objectivity, reliability, and validity.
Some of the concepts such as ""attitudes,"" ""leader ship,"" ""administration,"" ""social system,"" which pervade this thesis are not easy to comprehend. They are even more difficult to explain. Hopefully, some clarity has been put into the manuscript.
There is a need to clarify the major concepts on which the research is based. Chapter one deals expressly with our educational purposes for this time. Chapter two deals with the objectives, limitations, and the ration ale of the research study. Chapter three is an attempt
to profile the relationship and identify the character istics of the school and community. Chapter four deals with leadership and the administrator role since a decision-making process is involved in this study. Chapter five comes to grips with attitudes and attitude changes and the concept of this somewhat nebulous term (attitude). Chapter aix deals with the agent of change, namely a teaching device called the Planetarium, the reader will find of inerest. The problem then,.,the research methods regarding the problem, concurrent pro cedures, results, conclusions, and implications for further study are found in the remaining chapters.
Regarding simplicity and clarity, the use of a quick reference glossary, to be found in the appendix, will enable the reader to follow the discussion with more meaning.
If the reader is only interested in certain sections of the dissertation, he can turn to page viii for the table of contents; to page 67 for a statement of the research problem; to page 73 for the experimental pro cedures; to page 69 for the questions of significance.
A quick review of the major findings are found on pages 80-106; the conclusions and implications for further study are found on pages 108-114.
In conclusion, the five volumes of print-out from the computer as well as the transcription tape for this research is found in the library at Olivet Nazarene College, Kankakee, Illinois."
Jamison, Marion M. (1972). A Consideration of the Planetarium and the Lecturer as Agents to Effect Change in Administrators Regarding Social Attitudes in School and Community. Dissertation Abstracts, Ann Arbor, Michigan, University Microfilms, Inc., XXXII
Type of Publication
Jamison, Marion, M.
Research Setting
Target Group
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Graduate College
Peer-Reviewed Status
Number of Pages
Thesis type
Resource Type
Nation(s) of Study
United States of America