The major purpose of this study was twofold: one, to determine
whether or not teachers could improve the creative thinking abilities of the pupils in their classes by using selected creative exercises. Two, to determine what affect the attempt to improve creative thinking abilities would have upon achievement in a subject matter areas, in this case a space science unit. The following questions were posed for investigation:
1. Is there a significant relationship between creative thinking and intelligence for pupils who have used creative exercises, pupils who have used traditional exercises, or for pupils who have not used any exercises?
2. Is there a significant difference between pupils who have used creative exercises, pupils who have used traditional exercises, and pupils who have not used any exercises on an achievement test in
space science and a creative thinking test7
3. Is any significant difference, on an achievement test in space
science and a creative thinking test found within the high, average, and low ability levels?
4. Is there a significant difference between male and female pupils on an achievement test in space science and a creative thinking test in classes using creative exercises, classes using traditional
exercises, and classes not using any exercises?