An outline for a course of instruction in shipboard navigation
One of the main duties of deck officers in the navies and merchant marines of the world is to safely navigate their ships from port to port and country to country. To efficiently follow a set course requires training and experience not only in ship handling but also in determining your location upon the world's surface sb any specified time. The main problem encountered in navigating is to stay on your set course. To do this you must periodically determine your true position and make the course chages necessary to bring your ship to the desired destination. This syllabus has been compiled as a guide to the student navigator in overcoming the difficulties that he is likely to encounter as a navigator or officer of the deck on a ship. The material contained herein is a combination of information obtained from some officers of the naval reserve and the naval training and experience of the author.
Benson, F. A. (1949). An outline for a course of instruction in shipboard navigation. Master's Thesis. University of Southern California, USA