Cosmic rays are high-energy particles from outer space that continually strike the Earth’s atmosphere and produce cascades of secondary particles, which reach the surface of the Earth, mainly in the form of muons. These particles can be detected with scintillator detectors, Geiger counters, cloud chambers, and also can be recorded with commonly available photographic equipment. Many current digital single lens reflex (DSLR) cameras contain complementary metal oxide semiconductor chips that are sensitive to these charged particles at long exposures and high light sensitivity settings. Suggestions are given on how to incorporate this method of capture and display as a teaching tool for physics. DSLR high-energy particle capture could be used as a classroom demonstration, as a laboratory experiment to accompany a high-energy particle physics discussion, or presented as an inquiry-based research project for advanced undergraduates.
Sibbernsen, K. 2010, Astronomy Education Review, 9(1)