Chasing the Dream Back 15/07/2020 by S   Metadata Share TitleChasing the DreamAbstractA short summary is given, clarifying the reasons why astronomy and basic space science is of importance for all courtiers in the world. Some international efforts in this context are indicated.Date01/01/2004Type of PublicationEdited Book ChapterAuthor(s)Percy, John R.Editor(s)Wamsteker, W.ContentNo Astronomy ContentConstructAcademic Social/DiscourseMethodologyBlankResearch SettingOtherTarget GroupOtherInstitution(s)University of TorontoBook TitleDeveloping Basic Space Science World-WidePeer-Reviewed StatusNot Peer-reviewedPublisherKluwer Academic PublishersResource TypePosition Paper/EditorialNation(s) of StudyCanadaLanguageEnglish Continue browsing Small Telescopes in Research and Education “Hands-on Astrophysics” and beyond. Back to items list