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the Willard L. Eccles Telescope at the Frisco Peak Observatory
Commissioning and development of remote operation capabilities of
the Willard L. Eccles Telescope at the Frisco Peak Observatory
Commissioning and development of remote operation capabilities of
the Willard L. Eccles Telescope at the Frisco Peak Observatory
The University of Utah completed construction of the Willard L. Eccles Observatory located on Frisco Peak near Milford, UT in October 2009. The observatory site is located on a prominent peak at an altitude of approximately 9600 feet in a region with minimal light pollution. The Frisco Peak site was chosen after careful consideration of many factors including climate, light pollution and available infrastructure. The facility houses a 32" telescope manufactured by DFM Engineering of Longmont, CO. Further development of remote operation capabilities is currently being undertaken. Monitoring of the weather and seeing conditions are being performed and confirm the excellent nature of the site for astronomical observations. The observatory facilities will be used for educational and public outreach activities as well as research projects. A description of the facility and its planned use will be provided.
Springer, et al. 2011, in Telescopes from Afar Conference, An international conference on remotely operated, automated, or robotic ground based telescopes