ESO , the European Organization for Astronomical Research in the Southen Hemisphere, has operated a program of astronomy education for some years, with a dedicate, Educational Office established in 2001 . We organize a range of activities, which we will highlight and discuss in this presentation. Many are run in collaboration with the European Association for Astronomy Education (EAAE), such as the "Catch a Star!" competition for schools, which ha now been running for many years. A new endeavor is the ALMA Interdisciplinaty Teaching, Project (JTP). In conjunction with the EAAE, we are creat ing a set of interdisc iplinary teaching materials based around the Atacama Large Millimeter Array project. The unprecedented astro nomical observations planned with ALMA, as well as the uniquenes s of its site high in th Atacama Desert , offer excellent opportunities for interdisciplinary teaching that also encompas physics, engineering, Earth sciences, life sciences, and culture. Anot her ongo ing project in which ESO takes patt is the "Science on Stage" European science education festival, organized by th EIROforum - the group of seven major European Intergovernmenta l Researc h Organizations, of which ESO is a member. This is part of the European Science Teaching Initiative, along wit Science in School, a newly launched Europeanjoumal for science educators. Overv iews ofthes projects will be given, including results and lessons learnt.