Evolution Of The Astronomy Concepts Along Basic Education Cycle
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Evolution Of The Astronomy Concepts Along Basic Education Cycle
Although astronomy is considered one of the older sciences of humanity and that the understanding of its concepts has brought tremendous advances to Science and therefore, to society, it is observed that a significant portion of people live outside of this kind of knowledge. According to the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais for basic education, it is the school responsibility the dissemination of scientifically correct concepts, including those related to astronomy. Concerning this issue, we present a survey of 140 students of ninth grade of elementary school and 120 third-grade high-school students from four schools in the region of Passo Fundo/RS. We sought to determine, through a questionnaire
consisting of open and multiple choice questions, the knowledge of this group of students about the basic
terms and astronomical phenomena, and also verify that the hit rate increases as they advance through the
different and progressive grades of primary and secondary education. Overall, the results show that the teaching of astronomy in basic education is facing problems. Of the 20 issues investigated, in 17 the indicators are similar in the correct answers given by students for elementary and middle school, revealing that many misconceptions still remain along basic education. This demonstrates that such issues are not - or are rarely - covered during these two school levels. Thus, we conclude that the discussion of concepts related to astronomy should receive greater emphasis on approaching different subjects, requiring a national action in support of their teaching. It is believed that a national action should be
supported by a triple pillar of collective actors: the scientific community, semi-professional astronomy
community and the school community. Finally, this pillar would be the basis for future discussions related to the performance of these protagonists as a means to promote active changes in the curricular structure, providing, in more effective ways, the learning of astronomy in basic education.
Type of Publication
Darroz, Luiz Marcelo | da Rosa, Cleci Werner | da Rosa, Álvaro Becker | Pérez, Carlos Ariel Samudio
Research Setting
Target Group
Students > Middle School Students | Students > Primary/Elementary School Students | Students > Secondary School Students
Universidade de Passo Fundo. UPF
Journal Name
Revista Latino-Americana de Educacao em Astronomia (RELEA)
Peer-Reviewed Status
Resource Type
Nation(s) of Study