The Indigenous Sky Stories Program may have the potential to deliver significant and long-lasting changes
to the way science is taught to Year 5 and 6 primary school students. The context for this article is informed
by research that shows that educational outcomes can be strengthened when Indigenous knowledge is given
the space to co-exist with the hegemony of current western science concepts. This research presents a case
study of one primary school involved in the Indigenous Sky Stories Program. It showcases how teachers and
students worked in conjunction with their local community to implement the program. The results suggest
that introducing cultural sky stories into the science program, engaged and primed Year 5 and 6 students to
seek out additional sky stories and to investigate the astronomical content mapped to the National Science
Curriculum. The involvement of Aboriginal elders and community enriched the experience for all involved.
The integrated science program appears to generate positive engagement for both Indigenous students and
their non-Indigenous peers. Additionally, the program provided a valuable template for teachers to emulate
and which can act as a model for the requirement to include Indigenous perspectives in the new National
Science Curriculum.