This essay is addressed to astronomers and astronomy students who will go into a school, college, or other educational setting and want to think more deeply about what happens in the learning process. These are seven key ideas for improving our teaching that those of us working in science education at all levels have found especially useful. These concepts are not original with me but are mostly borrowed from great teachers, educational research- ers, and astronomy education pundits. Over the years, I have collected and refined such ideas and thought AER read- ers might enjoy thinking about them, too. The good news from research into effective astronomy teaching is that we do know how to teach well; but like everything worthwhile, it takes some effort to get good at it.
This essay is addressed to astronomers and astronomy students who will go into a school, college, or other educational setting and want to think more deeply about what happens in the learning process. These are seven key ideas for improving our teaching that those of us working in science education at all levels have found especially useful. These concepts are not original with me, but are mostly borrowed from great teachers, educational researchers, and astronomy education pundits. Over the years, I have collected and refined such ideas and thought AER readers might enjoy thinking about them, too. The good news from research into effective astronomy teaching is that we do know how to teach well; but like everything worthwhile, it takes some effort to get good at it.
Fraknoi, A. (2011). Seven concepts for effective teaching. Astronomy Education Review, 10(1), 0302-0304.