Sixth Grade Indonesian Student Explanations Of Directions On Flat Maps And Globes, Of The Earth’s Rotation To Cause Night And Day, And Of The Relative Positions Of The Earth, Moon, And Sun During An Eclipse
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Sixth Grade Indonesian Student Explanations Of Directions On Flat Maps And Globes, Of The Earth's Rotation To Cause Night And Day, And Of The Relative Positions Of The Earth, Moon, And Sun During An Eclipse
The purpose of this study was to elicit and analyze sixth grade Indonesian students' ability to identify the cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west) on a flat map and a globe; their ability to explain the earth's rotation as it relates to night and day; and their ability to identify the relative location of the earth to the moon and sun during either a solar or lunar eclipse. All of these skills and concepts are taught as part of Indonesia's national elementary science curriculum (i.e., the National Standards of Indonesia).
Understanding the cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west) is very important in clearly explaining the astronomical concepts being investigated.
Beside the four cardinal directions, the study documented students' explanations of the following two main
1. Night and day are caused by the earth's rotation on its axis.
a. It takes 24 hours for the earth to rotate once.
b. The earth rotates towards the east.
c. The sun is located behind the earth during the night.
2. Eclipses
a. The moon revolves around the earth and at the same time both of them are also revolving around the sun, therefore in certain positions an eclipse occurs.
b. A lunar eclipse occurs when the sun, the earth and the moon are located in a straight line causing the
moon to be covered by the earth's shadow.
c. A solar eclipse occurs when the sun, the moon and
the earth are located in a straight line causing
the light from the sun to be blocked by the moon. This study seeks to illuminate the following research
1. Can students identify the cardinal directions (north,
south, east, and west)?
a. on a flat map?
b. on a globe?
2. Can students identify what causes night and day?
a. Can they explain that night and day is caused when the earth rotates on its axis?
b. Can they show which direction the earth rotates?
c. Can they tell how long it takes for the earth to
complete one revolution?
d. Can they explain/identify where the sun is during
the night?
Using an Eclipse Model, can students explain/demonstrate the location of the earth, sun, and moon during either a solar or lunar eclipse?
What misconceptions were demonstrated in terms of the scientific concepts investigated in this study?"
Type of Publication
Dimyati, Surachman
Target Group
Students > Middle School Students | Students > Secondary School Students
University of Iowa
Graduate College
Peer-Reviewed Status
Number of Pages
Thesis type
Resource Type
Nation(s) of Study