The goal of this work is to present an analysis of the developed activities of the Teaching and Popularization Section (SEDA) of the Liga Ibero-Americana de AstronomÃa (LIADA). After a history of the LIADA, are presented the projects of the section that have the support of 16 coordinators from most Latin-American countries. The projects that aim to attract the attention of the general public, teachers and students to encourage the observation and send reports to be posted at the Internet page are presented. More specifically, the projects and reports related with eclipses ocurriesd since the year 2000. Using the available files on the page of the section, an analysis and discussion about their importance for scientific education is done. It is presented a data form as a suggestion for reports buy individuais or institutions and the importance of the systematization of experiences to give more visibility and changes of informations in the area. It is concluded with an assessment of the projects, their potential and limitations, as well as suggestions of future projects looking for more interaction between the Latin American
countries and making the Section available to this goal.