The Creative Approach For Disseminating Astronomy To The General Public
Astronomical outreach activities for the general public who are unfamiliar to astronomy is a challenging task. It requires creative thinking to solve the problem. The amateur astronomical clubs in a number of cities in Indonesia routinely schedule observations at public parks. The interaction between these clubs and formal education institutions is established by face to face interaction and assisted by social media. The physics teachers who took astronomy courses in university are potential resources to enlarge the outreach scope by creating astronomical clubs as an extracurricular activity. Recent progressive trends in astronomy dissemination for the disabled are also a great opportunity to assist the disabled in experiencing hands-on activities based on formal and informal education.
Pramudya, Y., & Sawitar, W. (2015). The Creative Approach For Disseminating Astronomy To The General Public. Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society, 30(2), 721–723.