The Effect of Telescope Observations Based on Tga (Predict-observe-explain) Method on Preservice Science Teachers Understanding of Some Astronomy Concepts
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The Effect of Telescope Observations Based on Tga (Predict-observe-explain) Method on Preservice Science Teachers Understanding of Some Astronomy Concepts
In the study, it was aimed to determine the change of the concepts of pre-service science teachers in some astronomy concepts by using telescope in accordance with the TGA (predict-observe-explain) method. In the study, semi-experimental design was created by using the single group pretest-posttest model. The study group consists of 80 teacher candidates studying in Science Education program. "Astronomy Observation Form" created by the researchers was used as a data collection tool. The data obtained from the "Astronomy Observation Form" were analyzed by determining the learning situations. Each question is divided into two as theoretical and visual information and analyzed with rubric. According to the findings obtained, there was no remarkable change in the comprehension of the candidates in terms of visual and theoretical information about the shape and surface of the Moon. Correct answers were found in the questions about the planet Jupiter. When the answers given to the questions regarding the position of the planet and the stars were examined, it was determined that there was an increase in the correct answers, but the missing information was also available. The majority of the students answered correctly in the answers regarding the phase of the observed star (formation, mainstream period and death stages). In the question including the comparison of planets and stars in terms of size, the majority of students answered correctly before and after observation, and there are also incomplete and incorrect answers. Since the shape and surface of the Moon, where there is no change in answers, does not differ in shape when viewed with the naked eye and telescope; The wrong answers in comparing the planet and the star in terms of size are thought to result from confusing the concepts of "far and near" and "big and small". Accordingly, it is recommended to give more emphasis and guidance to students in terms of focused concepts during telescope observations.
Type of Publication
Bozdemi̇r, Hafife | Çevi̇K, Ebru Ezberci | Helvaci, Sevcan Candan | Kurnaz, Mehmet Altan
Content Knowledge | Teacher education | Skills > Telescope Use
Research Setting
Target Group
Kastamonu Üniversitesi | Erciyes Üniversitesi | Kastamonu Üniversitesi | Kastamonu Üniversitesi
Journal Name
International Journal Of Eurasia Social Sciences
Peer-Reviewed Status
International Congress Of Eurasian Social Sciences
Issue Number
Resource Type
Nation(s) of Study