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The Impact of an Authentic Science Experience on STEM Identity: A Preliminary Analysis of YouthAstroNet and MicroObservatory Telescope Network Participant Data
The Impact of an Authentic Science Experience on STEM Identity: A Preliminary Analysis of YouthAstroNet and MicroObservatory Telescope Network Participant Data
In this astronomy education program featuring robotic telescopes, pre-post changes in youth participants’ science affinity, STEM identity, and STEM career interest are modeled to measure impact of core program elements. These elements are designed to support authentic inquiry: e.g. requesting images with robotic telescopes; using image processing software to enhance and make measurements of images; asking questions; connecting science to everyday life.
Dussault, M., Wright, E., Sadler, P. M., Sonnert, G. (2017). The Impact of an Authentic Science Experience on STEM Identity: A Preliminary Analysis of YouthAstroNet and MicroObservatory Telescope Network Participant Data