Full realization of the astronomical communityÕs potential to advance science education requires a clearly envisioned mission and goals, coupled with a focused and coordinated set of high-leverage investments designed to maximize astronomersÕ contributions to all levels of science education. To this end, the committee describes the educational mission for the astronomical community as the pursuit of four broad goals:
1. To disseminate astronomical discoveries widely, and thus bring the excitement inherent in science to the American public.
2. To use the excitement that astronomy engenders to increase public understanding of science and scientific methods and to make clear that science is a pathway to discovery, not just a collection of facts. This must be done at both the K-12 level and the undergraduate level.
3. To capitalize on the close involvement of astronomy with technology and instrumentation to contribute to training the technical work force.
4. To prepare future generations of professionals who will sustain U.S. preeminence in astronomy and will contribute to a scientifically literate nation.
Laying out strategies to achieve these educational goals and then describing existing programs and future directions, this chapter follows closely the report prepared by the Panel on Astronomy Education and Policy.