The Sunrise, Sunset, and Noontime Phenomena in Different Locations along the Same Longitude Back 15/07/2020 by S   Metadata Share TitleThe Sunrise, Sunset, and Noontime Phenomena in Different Locations along the Same LongitudeAbstractThroughout this past decade, we have studied the sunrise and sunset times in the Holy Land and their integration in school programs.Date01/01/2010Type of PublicationConference ItemAuthor(s)Massalha, TahaEditor(s)Barnes, Jonathan | Smith, Denise A. | Gibbs, Michael G. | Manning, James G.ContentCelestial MotionConstructContent KnowledgeMethodologyBlankResearch SettingOtherTarget GroupOtherInstitution(s)The Academic Arab College for Education in IsraelBook TitleScience Education and Outreach: Forging a Path to the FuturePeer-Reviewed StatusNot Peer-reviewedPublisherAstronomical Society of the Pacific Conference SeriesVolume431Issue Number431Conference Proceeding TypeConference Published VolumeResource TypeCurriculum/Program Description or ReportNation(s) of StudyIsraelLanguageEnglish Continue browsing WorldWide Telescope and Google Sky: New Technologies to Engage Students and the Public The Spectrum of Citizen Science Projects in Astronomy and Space Science Back to items list