Analyzed were the practices and procedures in the use of planetaria and observatories among secondary schools throughout the nation. The descriptive survey method of research was used with the questionnaire as the primary data gathering device. Data were gathered concerning (1) mandated and recommended positions of state offices of education toward the installation of planetaria and observatories in secondary schools, (2) the actual use of such facilities by schools that had them, and (3) opinions and recommendations concerning the use of these facilities from recognized authorities in astronomy. Some principal findings were (1) 43 of 48 responding states had no official position regarding secondary school planetaria installations, (2) 42 had developed no position with regard to the installation of observatories in secondary schools, (3) only five states had certification requirements for science teachers working with planetaria, and (4) authorities judged that 44 per cent of a list of 35 astronomy topics could be taught by utilizing planetaria; 65 per cent of these topics were actually taught this way.