Using inquiry-based instruction with Web-based data archives to facilitate conceptual change about tides among preservice teachers
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Using inquiry-based instruction with Web-based data archives to facilitate conceptual change about tides among preservice teachers
The purpose of this mixed methods study was to describe and understand preservice teachers' conceptions of tides and to explore an instructional strategy that might promote the learning of scientific concepts. The participants were preservice teachers in three initial licensure programs. A total of 80 graduate students, in secondary, middle, and early childhood education programs completed a multiple choice assessment of their knowledge of tides-related concepts. Thirty of the 80 participants were interviewed before the instruction. Nineteen of the 30 students who were interviewed also participated in the instruction and were interviewed after the instruction. These 19 students also completed both the pre-test and 18 of them completed the post-test on tides and related content. Data regarding the participants' conceptual understandings of tides were collected before and after the instruction using both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. A multiple choice pre-test was developed by the researcher. The same test was used before and after the instructional intervention. Structured interviews were conducted with participants before and after instruction. In addition to interviews, participants were asked to write a short journal after instruction. The constant comparative method was used to analyze the qualitative data. Preservice teachers' conceptual understandings of tides were categorized under six different types of conceptual understandings. Before the instruction, all preservice teachers held alternative or alternative fragments as their types of conceptual understandings of tides, and these preservice teachers who held alternative conceptions about tides were likely to indicate that there is one tidal bulge on Earth. They tried to explain this one tidal bulge using various alternative conceptions. After completing an inquiry-based and technology-enhanced instruction of tides, preservice teachers were more likely to hold a scientific conceptual understanding. Also, after completion of the inquiry-based and technology-enhanced instruction, some preservice teachers were likely to continue to hold the conception that the rotation of the moon around the Earth during one 24-hour period causes the tides to move with the moon. The findings of the study provide evidence that inquiry-based and technology-enhanced instruction utilizing Web-based archived data sources can be used to promoting conceptual change among preservice teachers.
Ucar, S. (2007). Using inquiry-based instruction with Web-based data archives to facilitate conceptual change about tides among preservice teachers. Ph.D. Dissertation. The Ohio State University, USA
Type of Publication
Ucar, Sedat
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The Ohio State University
Graduate School, The Ohio State University
Peer-Reviewed Status
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Nation(s) of Study
United States of America