WorldWide Telescope in Research and Education
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WorldWide Telescope in Research and Education
The WorldWide Telescope computer program, released to researchers and the public as a free resource in 2008 by Microsoft Research, has changed the way the ever-growing Universe of online astronomical data is viewed and understood. The WWT program can be thought of as a scriptable, interactive, richly visual browser of the multi-wavelength Sky as we see it from Earth, and of the Universe as we would travel within it. In its web API format, WWT is being used as a service to display professional research data. In its desktop format, WWT works in concert (thanks to SAMP and other IVOA standards) with more traditional research applications such as ds9, Aladin and TOPCAT. The WWT Ambassadors Program (founded in 2009) recruits and trains astrophysically-literate volunteers (including retirees) who use WWT as a teaching tool in online, classroom, and informal educational settings. Early quantitative studies of WWTA indicate that student experiences with WWT enhance science learning dramatically. Thanks to the wealth of data it can access, and the growing number of services to which it connects, WWT is now a key linking technology in the Seamless Astronomy environment we seek to offer researchers, teachers, and students alike.
Goodman, A., Fay, J., Muench, A., Pepe, A., Udomprasert, P., & Wong, C. (2012). WorldWide Telescope in Research and Education (Vol. 461, p. 267). Presented at the Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXI, eprint: arXiv:1201.1285. Retrieved fro
Type of Publication
Goodman, Alyssa A. | Fay, Jonathan | Muench, August | Pepe, Alberto | Udomprasert, Patricia | Wong, Curtis
Research Setting
Specific Interest
Target Group
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics | Microsoft Research, Redmond | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics | Microsoft Research, Redmond
Peer-Reviewed Status
Conference Title
ASP Conference Series: Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXI
Conference Location
Marriott Rive Gauche Conference Center, Paris, France
Conference Proceeding Type
Resource Type
Nation(s) of Study
United States of America
Conference Date
6-10 November, 2011